Jumat, 08 Januari 2016


 Final Product (Revised Version)

Name  : Munawarah
RSN : 1401120943

Red: Topic Sentece
Black : Supporting Sentence
Blue: Concluding Sentece

 Tiwah Ceremony
    One of popular custom in central kalimantan is tiwah caremony. Tiwah ceremony is an dayak event. The first, Tiwah a delivery ceremony held for the bones of the dead to sandung already made. The second Tiwah ceremony is a ceremony that is usually held over the death of someone who has died and buried a long time until the remaining of the body was estimated to only live crumbs. The Third,  Tiwah ritual intended as a ritual to drive off spirit straighten concerned towards Lewu Tatau (Heaven) so they can live peacefully and peaceful in nature the power, additionally tiwah dayak is also intended by the people in central kalimantan as the procession dayak to remove rutas or misfortune to the family of the deceased who left behind the bad influences that befall. Finally, Tiwah ceremony is not an easy job, required long and complicated preparation and funding not less. In addition, a series of tiwah procession itself takes up to several days nonstop, even up to one month old. In conclusion this ritual has been carried on since hundreds of years ago and it’s a traditional indonesian custom  to be preserved.

Sandung :  is a sort of a small house that is made specifically for those who have died
Dayak : Dayak is one of the tribles in central kalimantan
Tiwah : Tiwah a delivery ceremony held for the bones of the dead to Sandung already made
Lewu Tatau :  is a place or condition of  humans who always missed after her death

Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Second Draft

Name  : Munawarah
RSN : 1401120943

Red: Topic Sentece
Black : Supporting Sentence
Blue: Concluding Sentece

Tiwah Ceremony
      One of popular custom in central kalimantan is tiwah caremony. Tiwah ceremony is an dayak event. First tiwah a delivery ceremony held for the bones of the dead to sandung already made. Second tiwah ceremony is a ceremony that is usually held over the death of someone who has died and buried a long time until the remaining of the body was estimated to only live crumbs. Third tiwah ritual intended as a ritual to drive off spirit straighten concerned towards Lewu Tatau (Heaven) so they can live peacefully and peaceful in nature the power, additionally tiwah dayak is also intended by the people in central kalimantan as the procession dayak to remove rutas or misfortune to the family of the deceased who left behind the bad influences that befall. Finally tiwah ceremony is not an easy job, required long and complicated preparation and funding not less. In addition, a series of tiwah procession itself takes up to several days nonstop, even up to one month old. In conclusion this ritual has been carried on since hundreds of years ago and it’s a traditional indonesian custom  to be preserved.

Sandung :  is a sort of a small house that is made specifically for those who have died
Dayak : Dayak is one of the tribles in central kalimantan
Tiwah : Tiwah a delivery ceremony held for the bones of the dead to Sandung already made
Lewu Tatau :  is a place or condition of  humans who always missed after her death

Senin, 04 Januari 2016

First Draft

 STEP 1: Do brainstorming using questioning, for example:
1. What is ‘Tiwah Caremony’ Give examples. 
2. Write a definition in your own words for ‘Tiwah Caremony’’. (write a sentence using adjective clause) 
3. Why do you think ‘Tiwah Caremony’is so popular? 
4. what is the purpose of Tiwah Caremony?

STEP 2: Make an outline of your definition paragraph you are going to write.
Topic Sentence : One of popular custom in central kalimantan tiwah caremony
Supporting Sentence : first   : what is Tiwah ?
   Second :  what is Tiwah ceromony?
   Third :  what is the purpose of Tiwah ceremony?

Concluding Sentence : In conclusion this ritual has been carried on since hundreds of years ago and it’s a traditional indonesian custom  to be preserved.

STEP 3:  Write a first draft of the definition paragraph based on your outline. Do not forget to write strange words under the paragraph. (Upload your first draft on your own website).

Red: Topic Sentece
Black : Supporting Sentence
Blue: Concluding Sentece

Tiwah Ceremony
One of popular custom in central kalimantan is tiwah caremony. tiwah ceremony is an dayak event, first tiwah a delivery ceremony held for the bones of the dead to sandung already made, second Tiwah ceremony is a ceremony that is usually held over the death of someone who has died and buried a long time until the remaining of the body was estimated to only live crumbs Third tiwah ritual intended as a ritual to drive off spirit straighten concerned towards Lewu Tatau (Heaven) so they can live peacefully and peaceful in nature the power, Additionally, Tiwah Dayak is also intended by the people in central kalimantan as the procession dayak to remove Rutas or misfortune to the family of the deceased who left behind the bad influences that befall. finally tiwah ceremony is not an easy job. Required long and complicated preparation and funding not less. In addition, a series of tiwah procession itself takes up to several days nonstop, even up to one month old. In conclusion this ritual has been carried on since hundreds of years ago and it’s a traditional indonesian custom  to be preserved.

Sandung :  is a sort of a small house that is made specifically for those who have died
Dayak : Dayak is one of the tribles in central kalimantan
Tiwah : Tiwah a delivery ceremony held for the bones of the dead to Sandung already made
Lewu Tatau :  is a place or condition of  humans who always missed after her death